Anita Polite-Wilson, Ph.D

Dec 3, 20221 min

The Gift That Keeps On Giving ( 1 of 4) | Belonging is a Lifestyle

The holiday season is upon us and however you celebrate, one thing is universal among holidays regardless of one’s heritage: Promoting a sense of Belonging.

Belonging is a lifestyle that is most evident during the holidays because true Belonging is all about HUMAN-AFFIRMING BEHAVIORS, if we think about it.

Belonging ACTS like giving hugs when we might otherwise shake hands. It SOUNDS like laughing at our common frailties instead of finding reasons to offend or to be offended. It FEELS like extending grace to others on the freeway instead of pretending not to see them trying to merge. And it LOOKS like a lot more upside-down frowns more easily turned into smiles because we are quicker to laugh at ourselves and be more lighthearted.

Yes, Belonging is a lifestyle choice. And it requires being intentional just like any other lifestyle choice. It also requires extending grace to ourselves when we don’t always get it right, or when others miss the mark in their interactions with us.
