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Writer's pictureAnita Polite-Wilson, Ph.D

Resolutions vs Intentions (4 of 4) | Rest, Reflect, and ReAIM

This month I want to encourage all of you to take the time to celebrate your AIM goal accomplishments! We need to really conquer our all-or-nothing self-evaluation and to learn to celebrate each step along the way – that first 2 pounds of weight loss, that first set of out-reach activities for our new small business (even getting business cards printed!), that first long walk, then short jog, then long jog, then short run, then longer run! Or the first 2 lb weights we use until we can do 3, then 5, then 7s! All of these can be part of our ongoing commitment to self-care through self-affirmations that ALL the steps we take on our way to our longer-term, IDEAL goal (which may even change as we move along from the moon to the stars or from the moon to Mars!) are worth acknowledging and celebrating, even perhaps just with ourselves.

Building those moments of “I did THIS today or this week or this month” can give us inspiration and support to keep on our path and to recognize the efforts we are making on our own behalf are worth honoring ourselves for!

Nelson Mandela reminds us “Remember to celebrate the milestones as you prepare for the road ahead.” So, think about how you can celebrate yourself – a relaxing bath? A good movie or book? Coffee or dinner with a friend? A walk out in nature? A massage? You deserve all those!

And Robert Collier reminds us that “Success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out.” So, think about daily small efforts that you can make, whatever those are on any given day, given your energy and what else is going on, to keep your momentum moving towards your AIM goals. And if individual or team help is what you need, I’m here!

Until next time, this is Dr. Anita reminding you set your intention to have a great 2023 by staying blessed and always keeping it real!

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