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Writer's pictureAnita Polite-Wilson, Ph.D

An Attitude of Gratitude (3 of 4) | Reframe, Recover, and Refocus

Think of getting the shaft as a forcing function to take stock of your skills, strengths, and potential to move up the company ladder, or move out and move on.

As a leader, you might want to reflect on how some of your employees may have experienced the shaft before they came to you – and how you might be able to help them recover from that experience. Or, from a more vulnerable place – how anyone in your organization may be feeling the shaft right now and how and why. We may be unintentionally creating or allowing circumstances (interactions, communication, decision-making processes) that lead to some feeling shafted – and we need to ask ourselves if that is what we want for our employees.

Mr. Rick Girard is the founder and CEO of Stride Search, and author of the book ‘Healing Career Wounds.” It’s a fascinating read and seems to pick up the conversation for those who want to be intentional about growing their companies by making space for people to recover from their career wounds in a place that will value them.

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