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Writer's pictureAnita Polite-Wilson, Ph.D

Behind the Mic with Dr. Anita (7 of 9) | 3 Practices of Thriving Communities & Corporate Cultures

Conducting research for my Ph.D. introduced me to the three practices of thriving communities which are the Practice of the Table | The Practice of the Hearth | and The Practice of the Commons. In summary, when we consider the corporate space as a thriving community, it’s critical that we make it a point to gather around the TABLE –especially in a virtual environment -- and share our lived experiences; that we forge indestructible relationships through sometimes uncomfortable, or heated discussions around the HEARTH about how to achieve DIB without burning bridges; and that we are intentional about finding COMMON ground in terms of consistently aligning STATED AND DEMONSTRATED values which promote DIB. These three practices of thriving communities translate just as well to achieving and maintaining workforce sustainability which is crucial to a healthy bottom line.

As an activity that will feed your leadership soul, think about which of the three practices you can implement in some form that will translate to achieving and maintaining workforce sustainability for your team and across your organization.

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